麻豆社国产FM is looking for a few good men and women.
The volunteer-run project is seeking a variety of volunteers to help reach the goal of operating streaming content and eventually live programming. In that spirit, the group is hosting a community information night on Thursday (Jan. 26).
"We've been working hard behind the scenes during the past four months to develop the necessary infrastructure to help community members produce programs," said station manager Craig Davidiuk. "When the project first launched it was focused mostly on music. The new management team wishes to bring the content more in line with the aims and goals of the Hotspot."
Davidiuk said the station is looking for any type of content or program ideas from the public.
"We are seeking a wide variety of content that could include anything from local current events, ethnic programs, recorded local presentations, local bands, kids programming and more," he said.
Anyone interested is invited to stop by the Garibaldi Room at the Howe Sound Brew Pub for an information night at which the vision of the station will be discussed. People of all ages and interests are welcome. There will be a panel discussion about the potential of community broadcasting as well as music and information on how people can participate.
Volunteers will produce all the content and everyone is welcome to attend regardless of their knowledge about audio production. All training and equipment will be provided at a series of workshops planned in the coming months.
"The goal is to have all content produced by locals," Davidiuk said. "If you have an interest that you wish to share and broadcast within the community, you should attend this meeting. We are also looking for citizen journalists who can cover local music events, community meetings and events or offer a perspective into Squamish's unique culture. We can also use people to help run the station."
For more information on the event or about the station in general, visit www.squamish.fm.