My favourite thing in the world used to be 7 p.m. This was in a simpler time when VCRs were rented and I was too young to understand what people meant by acting skills and good writing. It was the magical time during the week when the wonderful Muppets came on (and if we were good we were allowed to stay up until 8 p.m. watching Donnie and Marie). However the big show was Sunday when it would be time for The Wonderful World of Disney.
Oh how glorious it was to know every week there would be some random children's viewing. It was during that time slot that many of us became aware of the original Witch Mountain movies. Even back then they weren't good, but they were certainly good enough for the 10-year-old set.
This time The Rock sorry, Dwayne Johnson, plays a cabbie trying to keep his life on the straight and narrow. He quickly picks up two children, who happen to be aliens, and they ask him to help find their spaceship. Along the way there are many gunfights and the usual B-grade sci-fi action flick scenes.
Frankly, it's surprising that even Disney would bother re-making this ho-hum classic. But who am I to doubt the Disney regurgitating machine?
On the bright side, the original films did inspire some great stuff; this simply is not some of that stuff. For quality family action adventure you're better off watching any of the Spy Kids films.