Jail cells full of darts to whoever stole our belongings from the Sea to Sky Community Services Ramey Room; you have really hurt a lot of peoples' feelings.
We are adults with developmental disabilities and we work hard to make the little bit of money we do have. We are saddened and disappointed. We think that you can do a lot better.
Fields and fields of daffodils to a co-worker. We will miss you. Good luck in your new life.All Your Girls
Bunches and bunches of daffodils to all the businesses who helped out on Tag Days for the Air Cadets. 835 Griffin Squadron, Squamish
Bouquets of daffodils to all chaperons, parents who put up with many kids in L.A. and San Diego.HSSS Band students
A 2005 graduating class full of daffodils to all the volunteers who truly made grad night a phenomenal success. We couldn't have done it without you.
Special thanks to Barb Moore for being so supportive of our efforts.
Judy - Eagle View Security
Birthday daffodils to Tiffany. We had a blast! All the best. We'll miss you.
Krystelle, Tammi & Hailey
A wallet full of daffodils to Trish at Stylezone for her quick thinking and bravery and the RCMP for their speedy assistance in recovering my stolen wallet.
From a very lucky woman
A Backyard full of daffodils to a nice lady that brought us the cups of Tim Horton's coffee to the voting place at Garibaldi Highlands Elementary. Also to the girl that shared her pizza and Catherine for the donuts.
Zdena & Maureen
A big fat dart to the person that took my town bike out of my driveway Friday night.