Team 麻豆社国产is getting ready for the 2011 season by celebrating their successful 2010 season during a meet and greet at the 麻豆社国产Public Library on Thursday, Oct. 14.
Lauren Rosser and Quinn Moberg were praised for their strong individual performances last season but coach Mike Charuk made it clear the team isn't content to rest on their laurels.
"Better, faster and stronger," he said. "Those are our goals for 2011."
Charuk started off his address by paying homage to the Kindree family who helped start up Team Squamish. He also pointed out the team's diversity.
"We've got two athletes on student council at Don Ross, one who's a math whiz and it's just a great mix of people," he said. "I'm privileged to be a part of this program."
The following is the roster of Team 麻豆社国产2011: Jereomy Pelletier, Alex Toews, Quinn Moberg, Nick Bruce, Miranda Miller, Kristin Drygas, Lauren Rosser, Sam Bowerman, Maia Kilby, Mason Moberg, Daniel Henniger, Ethan Toom, Luke DiMarzo, Rhys Verner, Michael Kilby, Alex Hinkson, Mikayla Martin and Jessica Vanderhoeven.
He expects big years out of Bruce and Pelletier, among others, and added that the present team atmosphere really helps grow the future generation of Team Squamish.
"It's so good to see the senior athletes mentoring the younger ones," he said. "For them to pass on their knowledge and experience really helps strengthen this team."
Team 麻豆社国产president Richard Pelletier pointed out that three new sponsors have signed on to support the team and then stated Team Squamish's goal.
"We want to send as many riders as we can to Nationals," he said. "And we want to send as many athletes as we can to the Western Canadian championships too."
Pelletier thanked all the volunteers and behind-the-scenes people who help keep Team 麻豆社国产running smoothly and he recognized the efforts of past volunteers.
The team also announced they will be sporting a brand new jersey for the 2011 season.
Team members were asked to choose from three different designs by Suarez bike jerseys and the overwhelming favourite was black, red and white. The new look will replace the red jersey the team wore in the past.
Pelletier added he's hopeful Team 麻豆社国产will participate in the Sea Otter Classic in Monterey, California from April 14 to 17. The event features a number of different races in many different classes and would serve as a nice way to kick off the season.
Pelletier also hopes to gather a group of athletes for fundraising events as the race approaches.
There are positions available in the executive branch of Team 麻豆社国产and those interested should put in their bids by the team's annual general meeting on Nov. 7 at McDonalds in Squamish.
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