Editor’s note: This letter was sent to the District and copied to The Chief.
Dear Honourable Mayor Elliott, et al.
I just had to write and share with you what one of your local, longest and proudest citizens recently did to brighten the park that her backyard borders, Boulevard Park.
My dear friend Janice Maclean has been sharing the progress of her fence painting with me through videos and photographs because I am here in Kelowna. I am sure some people have been to the tennis courts at Boulevard Park in the past week and enjoyed her recent painting but I just had to share her work with you. Janice is currently working on the other side of her recycled pallet fence with a massive salmon spawning mural.
This photo attached is not doing her work justice. However, this does not take away from my strong feelings that her talent is being hidden in her backyard when it should be available in places for many more to see. Janice’s mural of the dogwood flowers — facing the tennis courts — is gorgeous! What a thoughtful choice, too.
While this is not currently Janice’s profession, I do know it is a passion of hers. If you have some time to go by Boulevard Park and check out both sides of Janice’s fence and maybe meet her while she is working on her painting, I think she would be thrilled and pleasantly surprised by any attention this may bring her. And, maybe it will inspire her to keep following this passion and amazing talent!
Janine Palatin