Top reasons to choose an electric fireplace for your home
The ambience a fireplace brings into your home cannot be matched.
Unlike gas or wood fireplaces, an electric fireplace can provide that feeling year round because the heat feature can always be turned off. Joe's Fireplace Products, experts in heating for 25 years, are providing clarity on the operation of electric fireplaces and how they can be used year-round.
An electric fireplace can go in any home
The electric fireplace can be put almost anywhere since it does not require venting, gas lines or wood storage. They are a welcome alternative to installing wood or gas fireplaces. Many townhouses, condominiums and newer detached builds often have restrictions on installing traditional fireplaces.
Go green with an emission free fireplace
Using an electric fireplace is one of the greenest ways of providing heat for you home. No fuel is burned using this method of heating therefore having zero emissions, reducing carbon and other air pollution. It is the best environmental solution.
Unbeatable visual display options
The latest technology used for electric fireplaces can help create the right type of mood or feel you are looking for. Many offer a variety of different lighting combinations, realistic logs or crystals and flame effects for impressive displays in any room.
Elegant modern features
Modern electric fireplaces offer stunning designs to work in any home. There are so many styles to choose from for a custom look to suit any décor. The electric fireplace provides stunning visuals and can be wall mounted or built-in with 3-dimensional depth. Other options are a freestanding that will sit directly on your existing flooring or an insert that will slip into an existing masonry fireplace.
Design flexibility
You can install an electric fireplace almost anywhere you can imagine in your home. This kind of flexibility provides the opportunity to add a touch of elegance and warmth to a bedroom, den, playroom, bathroom, on an inside or outside wall—sometimes, you’ll even find them in the middle of a room.
Find out more about electric fireplaces by calling the heating experts at Joe's Fireplace Products today at 604-892-9800, stop by the shop located at 38136 Second Ave, 麻豆社国产or visit the website .