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What to know about the plastic pollution treaty talks that have concluded in South Korea

What to know about the plastic pollution treaty talks that have concluded in South Korea

BUSAN, South Korea (AP) — Negotiations on a treaty to end plastic pollution have concluded in Busan, South Korea without reaching an agreement .
What to know about the plastic pollution treaty talks that have concluded in South Korea

What to know about the plastic pollution treaty talks that have concluded in South Korea

BUSAN, South Korea (AP) — Negotiations on a treaty to end plastic pollution have concluded in Busan, South Korea without reaching an agreement .
Guilbeault disappointed plastic treaty talks end with no agreement

Guilbeault disappointed plastic treaty talks end with no agreement

Canada was disappointed negotiators failed to reach a deal on a global treaty to end plastics pollution, Environment Minster Steven Guilbeault said, though he remained hopeful an agreement could still be struck with talks set to resume next year.

Negotiators fail to reach an agreement on a plastic pollution treaty. Talks to resume next year

BUSAN, South Korea (AP) — Negotiators working on a treaty to address the global crisis of plastic pollution won’t reach an agreement in South Korea and are making plans to resume the talks next year.
Plastic treaty talks draw to a close with production limits still under debate

Plastic treaty talks draw to a close with production limits still under debate

BUSAN, South Korea (AP) — Negotiations on a treaty to end plastic pollution are drawing to a close Sunday as nations continue debating whether part of that should be putting limits on plastic production.
Storm blankets parts of the US during busy holiday travel weekend with more snow and cold forecast

Storm blankets parts of the US during busy holiday travel weekend with more snow and cold forecast

BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) — The first big snowfall of the season blanketed parts of New York, Pennsylvania and Michigan during the hectic U.S.
Bee 'rescuer' in Peruvian capital plies his trade with passion, free of charge

Bee 'rescuer' in Peruvian capital plies his trade with passion, free of charge

LIMA, Peru (AP) — Alfredo Santiago has a unique job in Peru 's capital city of Lima: he's a bee rescuer. The 35-year-old began as a beekeeper but added rescuing the stinging insects to his services.
A landmark climate change case will open at the top UN court as island nations fear rising seas

A landmark climate change case will open at the top UN court as island nations fear rising seas

THE HAGUE (AP) — The top United Nations court will take up the largest case in its history on Monday, when it opens two weeks of hearings into what countries worldwide are legally required to do to combat climate change and help vulnerable nations fi
Limit on plastic production still under debate as treaty talks come to a close

Limit on plastic production still under debate as treaty talks come to a close

BUSAN, South Korea (AP) — Negotiations on a plastic pollution accord are drawing to a close Sunday, as nations continue debating whether to tackle the exponential growth of plastic production.
Heavy snow blankets parts of the US during busy holiday travel weekend

Heavy snow blankets parts of the US during busy holiday travel weekend

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